Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MSDE Installation


I have a big problem installing msde on an XP Pro. When I try to install (run setup), the process starts and when its nearly finished the progess bar goes quickly down.
There is no error msg or something like that. The event no is 11708 (msi information).

I tried setup with many differnt parameters SAPWD=... Always the same: When quite finished installing, it ends.

I looked now for many hours in the forum and did not find any help.
Does anyone have a good solution ?

thxTry fully removing the current installation, if it's in Add/Remove programs - then, try following this tutorial:

If this doesn't work, I'd say, offhand, that you might have some computer problems/issues. If you have Norton's - try running their utilities on your computer to see if anything turns up.

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