Friday, March 9, 2012

MSDE installation failure

Like a lot of other people I am having problems installing MSDE2000 on
W2k3 server. I have edited the registry by dleting instnace of SQL,
deleted program File listing of SQL, etc. I ran install with following
c:\sql2ksp3\msde\Setup.exe SAPWD=Whois2005 /L*v C:\MSDELog.log
Below is the final error in cnfgsvr.out:
Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed
and the return value 3 errors in MSDELog.log (3 total errors):
Starting custom action ConfigServer
Executing "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\80\Tools\Binn\cnfgsvr.exe -V 1 -M 1 -U sa -I "ASTRO" -Q
MSI (c) (F8:44) [10:44:04:515]: Font created. Charset: Req=0, Ret=0,
Font: Req=MS Shell Dlg, Ret=MS Shell Dlg
1) Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs
and setup error logs for more information.
MSI (s) (20!DC) [10:44:07:000]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Desktop
Engine -- Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server
error logs and setup error logs for more information.
Action ended 10:44:07: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
2) Start custom action DeferProperties
Defer Properties returns: 0
MSI (s) (20:30) [10:44:17:406]: Executing op:
End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotal LDWord=0)
MSI (s) (20:30) [10:44:17:406]: Error in rollback skipped.Return: 5
MSI (s) (20:30) [10:44:17:406]: No System Restore sequence number for
this installation.
MSI (s) (20:30) [10:44:17:406]: Unlocking Server
MSI (s) (20:30) [10:44:17:406]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted
property. Its current value is '1'.
Action ended 10:44:17: INSTALL. Return value 3.
3) MSI (s) (20:30) [10:44:17:625]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (20:CC) [10:44:17:625]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (20:AC) [10:44:17:625]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
MSI (c) (F8:54) [10:44:17:656]: Back from server. Return value: 1603
MSI (c) (F8:54) [10:44:17:656]: Decrementing counter to disable
shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after
decrement: -1
Action ended 10:44:17: INSTALL. Return value 3.
If you need the full logs I can post them as well. This all came about
by uninstalling Veritas (to move it from the C drive to F drive)
because of upcoming space constraints. The C drive at present has 948MB
of free space. The Veritas MSDE install fails as well.
Astro wrote:
> 1) Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error
> logs and setup error logs for more information.
this exception is usually related to a dirty situation, where the system has
not been properly cleaned from previous MSDE installation(s)
it has been sometime reported to be related with MDAC problems.. try
repairing it like
first, locate the mdac.inf file in c:\windows\inf right click and install
when prompted for a location, point to c:\windows\servicepackfiles\i386 then
when prompted for the os CD load it..
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
DbaMgr2k ver 0.14.0 - DbaMgr ver 0.59.0
(my vb6+sql-dmo little try to provide MS MSDE 1.0 and MSDE 2000 a visual
-- remove DMO to reply
I have tried that. I have deleted program folders and run through the
removal of MSDE manually in the registry (KB816499) and the
installation described above still fails. I have reinstalled MDAC as
you proposed to no avail. Is there any thing else I can try. I will be
on site at 3pm CST USA. Would loading the SBS 2003 SQL client tools be
of any use? I am at wits end.
Astro wrote:
> Andrew,
> I have tried that. I have deleted program folders and run through the
> removal of MSDE manually in the registry (KB816499) and the
> installation described above still fails. I have reinstalled MDAC as
> you proposed to no avail. Is there any thing else I can try.
actually not, AFAIK...

>I will be
> on site at 3pm CST USA. Would loading the SBS 2003 SQL client tools be
> of any use? I am at wits end.
you are not legitimated to use SQL Server Client Tools for MSDE use in
production servers... and installing them has nothing to deal with the
server installation...
are you sure you properly cleaned the file system and the registry?
try perhaps installing MSDE from the service pack 4 package, ... this package
includes the MDAC stack at 2.8 sp2 level..
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
DbaMgr2k ver 0.14.0 - DbaMgr ver 0.59.0
(my vb6+sql-dmo little try to provide MS MSDE 1.0 and MSDE 2000 a visual
-- remove DMO to reply

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