Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MSDE Installation - Failed to find SqlUpgrade

I have been trying to install MSDE for a week. An appraisal program I need to set up uses it. I have been running changes and believe that I am close.

Section of setup log where it fails:
MSI (s) (28!C0) [13:16:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlUpgradeProduct property. Its value is '{E09B48B5-E141-427A-AB0C-D3605127224A}'.
Failed to find available component set
MSI (s) (28!C0) [13:16:30:828]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying SQLExitCode.2D02443E_7002_4C0B_ABC9_EAB2C064397B property. Its current value is '1603'. Its new value: '60007'.
Action ended 13:16:30: PickInstanceComponentSet.2D02443E_7002_4C0B_ABC9_E AB2C064397B. Return value 3.

I did not find anything different in a setup on a laptop that works. I'm unsure where to look.

will appreciate any help.


JimDon't know that error off hand. The biggest problems I ran into installing MSDE have been MDAC version and computer name. I would upgrade to the latest MDAC and also, if I remember correctly, there were limitations on the length of the name and it couldn't have some special characters. The " ' " (single quote) was the biggest I ran into Like "John's computer".

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