Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MSDE Install problem

I installed MSDE SP3A with sapwd=abc123 instancename=msde_1. I went to services and started mssql$msde_1 and sqlagent$msde_1. In the system tray, I clicked the sql service manager. I put msde_1 in the server name and hit refresh services, but I get an error stating "The Network Path was not found".

Can someone give me a clue as to what I am doing wrong?

I'm new to MSDE and would like to use it with MSACCESS Projects.This folder should exist and contain the log file if the MSDE Service actually could start at all: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\LOG

Now, if you don't have a service called MSSQL$msde_1, then the installation failed. Please review the installation log file.|||Unistall, the try this option
create a file named "Settings.ini"


then run this from command promt or create a .bat file

setup.exe /settings Settings.ini /L*v C:/MSDELog.log|||I reinstalled with listed settings and Instancename= MSDE01. I do have a service called MSSQL$MSDE01 which I started. I have also started the service SQLAgent$MSDE01.

The problem I am now getting is on trying to open a new project in MSACCESS. It pops up with a SQL Server logon screen. I have the Trusted Connection checked, and nothing appears in the Server Name dropdown list box. I have typed both MSSQL$MSDE01 and MSDE01 as the server name, but in both cases I get the following error:

Connection failed:
SQL Server Error: 53
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
Connection Failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 17
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.|||I don't speak very good english
See the attached image.

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