Friday, March 23, 2012

MSDE Problems

I am having sever troubles installing msde. I download the sql2kdesksp3 from microsoft and then I run it. Nothing is installed! I have to do statements in command prompt, statesment which I dont understand and im probably not doing them right either. After a lot of testing and trying I finally got it installed. But it didnt say MSSQL$NetSDK as it is showed in my book, it said MSSQL Server. And from on there Im stuck. I have tried to add a connection in as it says with (local)NetSDK but it just says it cant open a connection. My computer name is Kris, I think I should use that instead of (local) and I dont know at all what they mean by NetSDK.
Can anyone help me?

Regards Kristoffer

Windows XPI'm not an MSDE install expert by any means but I would go out to the command prompt (Start->Run->cmd->OK) and type in

osql -L

That will give you a list of all the Sql Server and MSDEs on your computer. Hopefully one will by Kris\SomeInstanceName. Try that name or whatever name turns up.

You might also check in the Setup.Ini file that is in the same directory as you installed MSDE from. If you open it in Notepad or equivalent tool look for the


That should correspond to one of the name returned by osql -L

(local) is an all purpose name that just means "use this server".sql

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