could you give me an step-by-step example how to do replication between
MSDE2000's ?
I have 50 tables, each table has an ID GUID primary key column.
you can't use the GUIswith MSDE (not legally) so you'll have to use SQLDMO.
Have a look on where I have put some code in the
scripts section to set up publishers and subscribers.
Paul Ibison
What did you mean that you can't use GUIDs with MSDE? We had planned to use
ID columns that implemented the UniqueIdentifier datatype and used the
NEWID() function to put in a GUID. We want to use these instead of the
AutoIdentity columns since they are usch a headache in merge replication.
"Paul Ibison" wrote:
> you can't use the GUIswith MSDE (not legally) so you'll have to use SQLDMO.
> Have a look on where I have put some code in the
> scripts section to set up publishers and subscribers.
> Rgds,
> Paul Ibison
|||I'm an idiot. I saw that you said GUIs and I am assuming you meant using EM
instead of the command line. Nevermind! Doh!
"Paul Ibison" wrote:
> you can't use the GUIswith MSDE (not legally) so you'll have to use SQLDMO.
> Have a look on where I have put some code in the
> scripts section to set up publishers and subscribers.
> Rgds,
> Paul Ibison
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