Friday, March 23, 2012

MSDE Purge/shrink not allowed as it would take over 2048MB?

I have a database file which is close to the 2048MB limit, but not
there yet.
I am trying DELETE FROM TABLE many of the tables so that I can shrink
it and get under the 2048 limit.
When doing this, I get errors that ALTER (?) would put me over the
2048MB limit..?
I have many full blown SQL servers. This one just needs MSDE. I just
got a little behind in internal logging cleanup (not ldf.)
Can I move this file to a full blown SQL server, run my DELETE, then
move it back? What's the easiest way to do that? Remotely attach it
using UNC? Any better ways?
hi, wrote:
> ...
> Can I move this file to a full blown SQL server, run my DELETE, then
> move it back?

> What's the easiest way to do that? Remotely attach it
> using UNC? Any better ways?
nope, I'd go detaching the database, moving corresponding physical files to
the full blown SQL Server machine, reattach it, delete/shrink, detach, move
and reattach, or, instead of detach/attach use backup/restore...
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
DbaMgr2k ver 0.16.0 - DbaMgr ver 0.61.0
(my vb6+sql-dmo little try to provide MS MSDE 1.0 and MSDE 2000 a visual
-- remove DMO to reply

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