Friday, March 23, 2012

MSDE Performance verses SQL 2005 Express

I have been testing one of our Apps under SQL 2005 Express and I am seeing a big downgrade in performance compared to MSDE on the same hardware. Has anyone else experienced this?


Aussie Coder

Hi Aussie Coder,

Could you give me an idea what specific tasks your testing and what the change in performance has been in your tests?


Mike Wachal
SQL Express team

|||The tests involved loading a list control with a page of records and then using the down arrow key to scroll through a dataset of 2000 records. There is only enough records stored on the client side to fill the list control. I believe the data access engine I am using implements a server side cursor to access each record on an as needed basis. It also provides some buffering of the records, so it could be buffering 2 or three pages of records ahead, but this is transparent to my use of the engine. In my testing, the SQL Server was running on the same computer as the client app.

Under MSDE 2000 Release A, the scrolling is quite smooth and responsive. Under MSSQL 2005 Express, there is a noticable lag in the retrieval of records as the display page is updated.

The update process for scrolling down involves removing the top record from the page, retrieving the next record in sequence and adding it to the bottom of the page and then redrawing the list.

I hope this adds some light to what might be happening

Aussie Coder|||

Getting back to this after a while, sorry. There was not any significant performance testing done comparing SQL Express and MSDE, so I can't offer much. I'm working on correcting this oversight, so I'll keep your scenario in mind as I push the team to do some comparisons.


|||Any new info on this? Our app does very similar caching for list controls.

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